splatter socam is a gay mo he says he loves me i have a gf u know and hese dedicating flashes constantly hese says he wants to have sex with me hese gay im like wtf hese a gay fag so ya
if u know him u mite say the same thing HE IS A FAG seriously fuckin wtf i mean hese also stalking me or hacking me i don't fucking know all i know is hese a one of his gay ass flashes nowon cares about sez i should drown in a fire so hese clearly retarded gay maby a hacker or stalker dosent show age so
hese probably 45 or something all i know is hese creeping me the hell out how do i know
he might be a stalker or hacker becus he sed i used to play maple story true play habo occasionally true so yah hese gay so tom fulp ban his ass off here also splatter socom is gay nooby and is prbly a fat 45 year old fuck
Nice picture. it sounds like you apperantly are upset. You are not the only one having these issues. He no way i was smart when i put male for gender. I am Transgendered. I moetly read things like this from the 100% full women posts. How are you getting these responses?
did u even read it